NCF Comment Letter on the SEC’s Reg S-K

The Nathan Cummings Foundation recently joined other foundations and institutional investors to call on the SEC to update Regulation S-K to improve reporting of material environmental and social risks in issuers’ filings. In addition to sending its own comment letter, the Foundation joined investors with more than a trillion dollars in assets under management in …

Active Ownership vs. Divestment: When Is It Either-Or? Can My Foundation Do Both Well?

On Thursday, April 14th, Philanthropy New York will host a panel discussion exploring active ownership and divestment. The Nathan Cummings Foundation’s experience with active ownership strategies will feature in the panel discussion. The program will be live-streamed. More details can be found here.

Key Formula for Oil Executives’ Pay: Drill Baby Drill

Bonuses at many energy companies based on higher oil production, reserves; shareholders seek change “The Nathan Cummings Foundation…has asked Chesapeake to eliminate reserve growth from its pay calculations.” Read More (Via the Wall Street Journal)

NCF Proposal Leads to Positive Changes in Duke Energy’s Reporting

March 14, 2016 Following the submission of a shareholder proposal by the Nathan Cummings Foundation, Duke Energy has agreed to expand its sustainability report to include a discussion of its plans for responding to the potential challenges posed by slower load growth and increases in distributed generation. Duke will also include links to information on …

Investors Raising Heat on Fossil Fuel Companies

On the heels of a historic global climate agreement in Paris, investors have filed a record number of shareholder resolutions this year with major U.S. energy companies asking them to disclose their strategies for competing in a global economy that is shifting towards clean energy and away from fossil fuels. The resolutions seek clarity on …

NCF Joins the Ban the Box Philanthropy Challenge

On February 29, 2016, the Nathan Cummings Foundation joined more than 40 other members of the Executives’ Alliance for Boys and Men of Color in the “Ban the Box Philanthropy Challenge,”  a pledge to adopt fair chance hiring practices. The Foundation does not ask questions about any criminal records on our application forms for potential …

Uber Drivers and Others in the Gig Economy Take a Stand

“The National Domestic Workers Alliance, which organizes nannies and housekeepers, recently produced what it calls the Good Work Code, which it has urged gig economy companies to adopt.” Read More (Via The New York Times)

Large Mutual Funds Fail to Support Proxy Access

UPDATE (March 14, 2016): Shortly after the release of the Proxy Access Scorecard, Vanguard announced a key change to its policy on proxy access. The mutual fund company will now generally support “proxy access” proposals with ownership thresholds of 3% of a company’s shares. Read more about the change in this Reuters article. January 26, …

NCF Proxy Access Proposal Wins at Oracle Corp.

For Immediate Release November 19, 2015 The Nathan Cummings Foundation, the UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust and The Marco Consulting Group today announce a major corporate governance victory for Oracle shareholders. A proxy access proposal submitted by the three funds to Oracle received the support of a majority of votes cast at the company’s annual …

On-demand economy like ‘Wild, Wild West’

Flexibility, livable wages and room for growth. These are just a few things that make up a “good” job. That’s according to the National Domestic Workers Alliance, which wants to make sure the growing number of on-demand jobs are good jobs. This week, it announced an initiative called the Good Work Code, which aims to …

Can Southern Company Shareholders Persuade Its Board to Stop Supporting Climate Change Denial?

The Nathan Cummings Foundation and other Southern Company investors publicly voiced concerns about the company’s board of directors ahead of its annual meeting of shareholders this month. One point of particular concern was Southern’s support for controversial climate change skeptic Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon. Read more (via Huffington Post)

NCF, Other Major Foundations Call on SEC to Require Public Company Disclosure of Political Spending

Secret money in politics, especially the corporate variety, has been controversial ever since the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling in the Citizens United case. Now, about 70 charitable foundations are asking the Securities and Exchange Commission to end that secrecy. Read more or listen to the story (via NPR)

Net Neutrality Activists Take Civil Rights Fight to Doorsteps of Telecom Giants

In the lead-up to the FCC’s pivotal net neutrality vote on Thursday, civil rights and media justice organizations across the United States are taking theirdemands for an open internet to the store-fronts of the telecommunications giants that continue to aggressively fight the protections. Read More (Via Common Dreams)

FCC: This Is How We Will Ensure Net Neutrality

After more than a decade of debate and a record-setting proceeding that attracted nearly 4 million public comments, the time to settle the Net Neutrality question has arrived. This week, I will circulate to the members of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed new rules to preserve the internet as an open platform for innovation …