Climate Justice Alliance

We support the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) for its work to resource community-driven, equity-rooted, solutions that can be replicated and scaled; center just transition principles and those most impacted by climate change in climate and environmental policy development; train grassroots members in communications and narrative strategies; and elevate messaging to build political will through bottom-up …


We support Demos for Fight Back Table’s (TFBT) continued efforts to coordinate over 70 progressive organizations to respond to the current crisis in American democracy.

Borealis Philanthropy – Communities Transforming Policing Fund

We support the Communities Transforming Policing Fund (CTPF), a collaborative donor project of Borealis Philanthropy, that provides funding to bolster grassroots organizing capacity and reform-oriented advocacy that improves community-police accountability and local intervention policies.

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

We support the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy to promote philanthropy that serves the public good, is responsive to people and communities with the least wealth and opportunity, and is held accountable to the highest standards of integrity and openness.

Political Research Associates

We support Political Research Associates for a cross-movement convening and examination of the links between antisemitism, the white nationalist movement, and anti-Black racism, and to create a curriculum for activists looking to understand these issues and their intersections.

Race Forward

We support Race Forward for Colorlines, an award-winning daily news site that reports on systemic racism at the core of our nation’s challenges, highlighting the stories of people directly affected by structural racism.

Jolt Initiative

We support the Jolt Initiative for its Art for Change program that uplifts true stories and voices of Latinos in Texas — building new narratives in a state where Latinos make up 40 percent of the population but are underrepresented in government and media, and are often depicted as dangerous outsiders by dominant forces.

Institute for Policy Studies

We support the Institute for Policy Studies for OtherWords to leverage existing information infrastructure in underserved rural communities to get progressive ideas and people exposure.

First Peoples Worldwide

Support the Regents of the University of Colorado’s project, First Peoples Worldwide (FPW), which seeks to increase participation by Indigenous People in investment decisions that impact their lands, territories, and resources.

TakeAction Minnesota

We support TakeAction Minnesota to continue building a multi-racial coalition for statewide power to advance policy and culture that values and supports women, workers, and communities of color.

Living Cities

We support Activest, a project of Living Cities, for its work to leverage the municipal bond market pushing cities to remove regressive and racially unjust fiscal and social policies, such as excessive fines and forfeitures, and replace them with more equitable and just ones.

Jobs With Justice Education Fund

We support the Justice Educational Fund (JWJEF) to continue efforts to win local and national campaigns that prioritize the needs of workers and expand the idea of worker organizing and collective bargaining as a fundamental component of a just economy, functioning democracy, and pathway to addressing inequality.

Coalition of Immokalee Workers

We support the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) for its pioneering work rooted in the developing the leadership of farmworkers and applying the power of the market to address and prevent systemic abuses by farm-owners and managers.

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

We support the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights for its work in organizing Black, Brown, and low-income people to end criminalization and mass incarceration of people of color in Oakland.