In June 2024, the Nathan Cummings Foundation board approved an updated strategy for our place-based work in Israel-Palestine. To align this work with our North Star of advancing racial, economic, and environmental justice (REEJ), we decided to expand our geographic area to include the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza, and to use the following pillars to guide our efforts:

Funding Pillars

Pillar 1: Improving Civic and Economic Outcomes for Marginalized Communities. Social and economic disparities inhibit many residents’ full participation in society and stoke long-standing tensions between communities. By addressing these disparities, we can help nurture a more-just society. Using the totality of NCF assets (grants, investments, shareholder activism, strategic communications), we will invest in social entrepreneurs, civic leaders, and networks/organizations who share our vision of a more-just society. We seek to help them build shared community, advance public policy, shift narratives, and strengthen civil society.

Pillar 2: Democracy and Governance in Israel-Palestine. Existing governance systems in Israel and Palestine contribute to a lack of peace, stability, and safety for all peoples in the region. Using the totality of NCF assets, NCF will support innovative models and initiatives in Israel-Palestine. We seek bold new thinking from Israelis and Palestinians about how to promote more-democratic, human-centered, secure, and dignified approaches to governance.

Pillar 3: Just Sustainability in Israel-Palestine. Climate change and environmental degradation threaten the health and well-being of all residents of Israel-Palestine, which contributes to instability and injustice in the region. Using the totality of NCF assets, NCF will invest in innovative models advancing inclusive environmental justice solutions, such as those focused on land use and ownership; energy and environmental sustainability; and resource management.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your definition of “marginalized communities?”

A: NCF researched social, economic, and other disparities to determine which populations should be our primary focus. Our research led us to Palestinians living in Gaza, Palestinians living in the West Bank, Ethiopian Jews, Mizrahim (Jews whose families came from the Muslim world), Bedouins, Russians, Haredim (strictly Orthodox Jews), and Palestinian Israelis. We will concentrate our resources in these communities. But given that this list is not exhaustive, we may support other communities as well. And our focus list will evolve over time, based on data and what we learn on the ground.

Q: Where is your geographic focus in the region?

A: NCF approaches the region of Israel-Palestine as a single region encompassing the areas within the State of Israel’s 1967 borders as well as the West Bank and Gaza. We are open to supporting work throughout this region, in line with our approved strategies and when possible based on the results of our ongoing risk assessments.

Q: What values guide your work in the region?

A: All of our work is guided by our stated values. In addition, at our core we are peacebuilders, so we do not support groups that advocate for, or seek to justify, violence against Palestinians or Israelis.

Q: What is NCF’s history of funding in Israel-Palestine?

A: NCF has funded within the 1967 borders of Israel since the early 1990s. This work has helped build the environmental-justice sector, strengthened the leadership of women from all demographic groups, supported pro-democracy movements within Israel, and reduced socio-economic gaps between populations in Israel. Our updated strategy encourages NCF to pursue direct partnerships with Palestinian communities living in the West Bank and, when conditions allow, in Gaza. We will continue to support marginalized communities in Israel.

Q: Whom have you funded in the region?

A: We publish the names of all grantee partners here.

Q: Do you accept proposals from Palestinian and Israeli nonprofits and businesses?

A Yes. We seek partners who tackle problems in their communities with innovative solutions. We are open to learning more about business ventures, investment funds, and novel nonprofit approaches aligned with our place-based strategy for Israel-Palestine.

Q: How can I apply for grants or investments?

A: At this time, NCF is sourcing opportunities directly and does not currently solicit submissions from the wider public for the portfolio in Israel-Palestine. If this approach were to change, we will notify community members via our newsletter, which you can sign up for here.


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