Center for Working Families Fund

We support the Center for Working Families Fund for the Green New Deal Network Coordinating Team, a collaborative effort of 13 organizations, formed to build the long-term organizing infrastructure and power necessary to forge a more just and inclusive society and advance a bold transformative vision for a society rooted in equality, dignity, solidarity, and …

Business Forward Foundation

We support Business Forward Foundation for its Inclusive Clean Energy Project, which builds support among the business community for clean energy policy and the equitable distribution of clean energy jobs.

Building Equity and Alignment for Impact

We support the Building Equity & Alignment for Impact Initiative for its work to build capacity and drive resources to grassroots, frontline environmental and climate justice organizations and to create deeper alignment and collaboration between grassroots groups, national green organizations, and philanthropy.


We support B’Tselem USA, a human rights and education/advocacy group based in New York and Tel Aviv, to bring 10-15 prominent progressive leaders to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) to meet with Israelis and Palestinians working to end the occupation and achieve equality and democracy for all people living on the land.

Way to Rise

We support the Way to Rise – Latinx Power Project, a fiscally sponsored project of the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation, in uncovering the role played by white supremacy and nationalism in fracturing Latinx communities along racial lines in order to better build the infrastructure needed to solidify long-term power in multi-racial coalitions.

Advancement Project

We support the Advancement Project’s Free and Safe Campaign that is working to disrupt the systematic criminalization of black and brown people in the school to prison pipeline and within the larger community context, that results in disproportionate high rates of incarceration for low-income black, indigenous, and Latinx people.


We support Demos for Fight Back Table’s (TFBT) continued efforts to coordinate over 70 progressive organizations to respond to the current crisis in American democracy.

Borealis Philanthropy – Communities Transforming Policing Fund

We support the Communities Transforming Policing Fund (CTPF), a collaborative donor project of Borealis Philanthropy, that provides funding to bolster grassroots organizing capacity and reform-oriented advocacy that improves community-police accountability and local intervention policies.

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice

We support Jews For Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ), a Jewish local organizing group working in multiracial coalition and making national impact by distributing their working model.

Roosevelt Institute

We support Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute’s project, Advancing a Comprehensive Corporate Power Agenda, which will ensure that curbing corporate power is a central component of policy agendas and stakeholder efforts to advance progress on key issues like climate change.

Jolt Initiative

We support the Jolt Initiative for its Art for Change program that uplifts true stories and voices of Latinos in Texas — building new narratives in a state where Latinos make up 40 percent of the population but are underrepresented in government and media, and are often depicted as dangerous outsiders by dominant forces.

Institute for Policy Studies

We support the Institute for Policy Studies for OtherWords to leverage existing information infrastructure in underserved rural communities to get progressive ideas and people exposure.

First Peoples Worldwide

Support the Regents of the University of Colorado’s project, First Peoples Worldwide (FPW), which seeks to increase participation by Indigenous People in investment decisions that impact their lands, territories, and resources.

Living Cities

We support Activest, a project of Living Cities, for its work to leverage the municipal bond market pushing cities to remove regressive and racially unjust fiscal and social policies, such as excessive fines and forfeitures, and replace them with more equitable and just ones.