Confluence Philanthropy
In 2021, Confluence organized eight peer networks to create the REI Coalition. This project funding will support Confluence Philanthropy to implement the second phase of the Racial Equity Investing Coalition (REI Coalition).
The Prometheus Conspiracy
To support The Prometheus Conspiracy (TPC), a fiscally sponsored project of Poder in Action, in disrupting white nationalism and white supremacy through research, technical assistance and organizing that disrupts far-right movements, its connections to la
Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education
To support the Inclusive Journalism Initiative (IJI), an innovative collaboration between the Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education (MIJE), Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting (IBW), and Associated Press (AP).
Racial Justice Investing Coalition
To support the Racial Justice Investing Coalition, a fiscally sponsored project of Investor Advocates for Social Justice. Racial Justice Investing (RJI) is a coalition of investors, asset owners, and business leaders taking action for racial justice.
Just Futures
Support to Just Futures’ project, Just Futures Impact (JFI), an innovative values-based approach to asset development and wealth creation for nonprofit workers. Just Futures is a fiscally sponsored project of Common Future.
Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity (BOLD)
Support for Black Organizing for Leadership & Dignity’s transformative organizer training programs for Black movement builders.
Adasina Social Capital
Support to Full Spectrum Labs (FSL) and The Adasina Program (Adasina) a fiscally sponsored project of Movement Strategy Center. Funding is recommended to support the development of new forms of financial and operational infrastructure and networks.
The Chisholm Legacy Project
To support the Chisholm Legacy Project (CLP), a new organization designed to resource black, frontline climate justice leadership in achieving their goals.
ALIGN: The Alliance for a Greater New York
To support ALIGN for its work to ensure an effective transition after long-time Executive Director, Maritza Silva-Farrell, stepped down from her role after 12 years of leadership.
Center for Working Families Fund
To support the Center for Working Families’ engagement and mobilization efforts surrounding the Can’t Wait Live Concert for Climate, Jobs, and Care.
Congregation T’chiyah
To support the first executive leadership transition at Detroit Jews for Justice (DJJ), which organizes the Metro Detroit Jewish community to meaningfully participate in multi-racial grassroots movements for racial and economic justice.
Gulf South for a Green New Deal
To support the Gulf South for Green New Deal (GS4GND) Community Controlled Fund, a regional formation of organizations working to advance climate, racial, and economic justice in five states across the Gulf South.
To support Liberation in a Generation’s Anti-Monopoly Project, which aims to lay the groundwork for the development of antiracist solutions to monopoly power.