Confluence Philanthropy
To support the launch of Foundation Transparency Compact (FTC), a formal working group that will foster transparency, accountability, and learning among foundation impact investors, and demonstrate principles of transparency to the philanthropic field.
Save the Children Federation, Inc.
To support Save the Children Federation’s (STCF) emergency humanitarian response to address the urgent needs of directly impacted Palestinians in Gaza, as well as affected people in the surrounding region where violence has escalated due to the crisis.
Diverse Asset Managers Initiative
To support Diverse Asset Managers Initiative (DAMI), a fiscally sponsored project of The New World Foundation. DAMI is an effort to increase the absolute number of, and assets under management by, diverse-owned asset management firms for institutional investors.
California Black Freedom Fund
To support the California Black Freedom Fund, fiscally sponsored by Silicon Valley Community Foundation. The California Black Freedom Fund (CBFF) is a five-year initiative to build and sustain the power of Black-led, power-building organizations and coalitions.
Black Jewish Liberation Collective
To support the Black Jewish Liberation Collective (BJLC, fiscally sponsored by the Coalition on Positive Health Empowerment) to hire its first staff to amplify the voices of Black Jewish people working towards liberation and dismantling white supremacy.
Inner-City Muslim Action Network
To support Black Jerusalem, a project of Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) that explores the sacred geography of Jerusalem through a Black American and African lens and asks what it means to center blackness in the context of Jerusalem.
22nd Century Initiative
To support 22nd Century Initiative (22CI) to convene, educate, and align disparate community groups to build a broad base that effectively fights white nationalism and authoritarianism.
Communities for Just Schools Fund
Renewed support to Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF), a fiscally sponsored project of the New Venture Fund. CJSF is a nationally focused member collaborative that brings together the resources of philanthropy in support of community-led grassroots
The Roosevelt Institute
To support the Justice 40 Implementation: Policy & Organizing Strategy, through the Roosevelt Institute Climate Policy Program team.
United States Federation of Worker Cooperative
To support Guilded, a fiscally sponsored project of the North American Students of Cooperation, created to provide a host of services that support a growing number of freelance workers, many of whom are artists and cultural bearers of color.
New York Renews Education Fund
Support to New York Renews (NYR) for its work to advance equity rooted climate and energy policy implementation, drive investment to frontline communities in New York, and hold policymakers and stakeholders accountable for meaningful and robust collective action.
Support for the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism U.S. Fund’s (JDA) public engagement work to expand coalitions that understand how antisemitism is instrumentalized, so that the just fight against antisemitism is effectively engaged and racial justice advanced.
Solar Stewards Marketplace
Project support to Solar Stewards Marketplace a project of Solar Stewards at the DCR Group LLC via an expenditure responsibility grant. Solar Stewards Marketplace serves historically marginalized and excluded BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) communities.