The Rising Majority

We support the Rising Majority, a fiscally sponsored project of the Alliance for Global Justice, in its efforts to achieve deep alignment across multiple grassroots movements to win and sustain a multi-racial, anti-racist democracy, in the United States.

Showing Up for Racial Justice Education Fund

We support Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Education Fund, with a focus on their Southern Crossroads Initiative, which organizes rural poor and working class white people into Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC)-led coalitions advocating for racial justice in TN, NC, KY, and GA.

The Black Futures Lab

We support the Black Futures Lab, a fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Progressive Association, to build Black political power through educating motivating and activating Black voters and training Black communities on how to design, implement, and win policy that improves the lives of Black communities across the U.S.

Faith Matters Network

We support Faith Matters Network, a fiscally sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, to catalyze personal and social change by equipping organizers, faith leaders, and activists with resources for connection, spiritual sustainability, and accompaniment.


We support T’ruah, which focuses specifically on mobilizing, organizing, and training Jewish Clergy (Rabbis and Cantors) who advocate for justice.

The Solutions Project

We support the Solutions Project for its work to invest in frontline women and leaders of color, amplify their stories, and scale energy solutions that advance a just transition.

Project South

We support Project South in building alignment, long-term strategy, and organizational capacity in low-income communities across the South to eliminate poverty and racism, cultivate liberation, and build alternatives to failed institutions.

Pillars Fund

We support The Pillars Fund, a key social justice intermediary, to continue raising and distributing funds to frontline community groups that amplify the narratives, talents, and leadership of Muslims in the U.S. and challenge Islamophobia to advance rights for all people.

NETWORK Advocates

We support NETWORK Advocates for power-building grassroots group of Catholic nuns focused on promoting policies that mend gaps and bridge divides in our country, with a special focus on healthcare, housing rights, and citizenship policies that disproportionately impact women and people of color.

Momentum Community

We support Momentum Community, a movement incubator, training institute, and learning community dedicated to building progressive social movements.


Renewed support to Mijente Support Committee, an organizing hub for Latinx and Chicanx people who seek racial, economic, gender, and climate justice.

Majority Action

We support Majority Action for its work to leverage the power of investors to hold asset managers, corporations and their directors responsible for their approach to the climate crisis.

Jobs to Move America

We support Jobs to Move America (JMA) to advance Inclusive Public Procurement programs that enable major U.S. local and state agencies to reshape how billions in public dollars are spent. JMA works to deliver the goals of climate change with community benefits agreements (CBAs) that yield family-supporting wages and benefits for the historically excluded.

Free Hearts

We support Free Hearts, strengthening its internal capacity and its efforts to build much needed multi-racial organizing infrastructure in support progressive policy and systems change in Tennessee’ urban, suburban, and rural communities.