TakeAction Minnesota
We support TakeAction Minnesota to continue building a multi-racial coalition for statewide power to advance policy and culture that values and supports women, workers, and communities of color.
Jobs With Justice Education Fund
We support the Justice Educational Fund (JWJEF) to continue efforts to win local and national campaigns that prioritize the needs of workers and expand the idea of worker organizing and collective bargaining as a fundamental component of a just economy, functioning democracy, and pathway to addressing inequality.
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
We support the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) for its pioneering work rooted in the developing the leadership of farmworkers and applying the power of the market to address and prevent systemic abuses by farm-owners and managers.
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
We support the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights for its work in organizing Black, Brown, and low-income people to end criminalization and mass incarceration of people of color in Oakland.
Center for Popular Democracy
We support Local Progress — a project of the Center for Popular Democracy — to deepen relationships with grassroots organizations and build its priority platforms around police reform.
Restaurant Opportunities Centers
We support Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC) for its efforts to hold the restaurant industry accountable through organizing workers and restaurant owners to advocate for better wages, protections, and ultimately change the culture of an industry steeped in racial and gender inequality.
Association of Black Foundation Executives
We support the Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE), a philanthropic service organization working to increase the leadership capacity within philanthropy to advance more racially equitable practices in support of Black communities.
Workers Defense Project
We support the Workers Defense Project (WDP) to build a movement to improve wages and working conditions for low-wage construction workers in Texas through local policy and systems reform.
Color Of Change
We support Color of Change Education Fund (CoC) to expand its online racial justice organizing to rapidly respond to flashpoint moments of violence and inequity experienced by black people in the U.S.; build policy; and shift narratives in mainstream media spaces in order to reflect the actual lived experiences of Black communities.