Green Latinos

We support Green Latinos to educate, mobilize, and train Latino leaders to advance equitable policy-making, actions, and solutions that address historic barriers communities experience in their efforts to advance environmental policies.

Emerald Cities Collaborative

We support Emerald Cities Collaborative’s (ECC) work to increase the number of clean energy projects delivering environmental, economic, and equity benefits to underserved communities, bringing to life “just transition” models.


We support Demos for its Climate Equity Project, for its work in strengthening long-term grassroots movement power by development and dissemination research and content that supports climate justice policies and fills the ideas gap on race-forward climate policy.

Catholic Climate Covenant

We support Catholic Climate Covenant for its work to engage Catholic leadership across the US in parishes, dioceses, archdiocese and institutions, such as Catholic Charities, on the climate crisis through the integration of creation care and climate change in Catholic ministries.

New York Renews

We support New York Renews Coalition for its work to advance equity rooted climate and energy policy with strong employment provisions, drive investment in frontline communities in New York, and hold policymakers and stakeholders accountable for meaningful and robust community engagement as New York State (NYS) begins to implement its transition to a net-zero carbon …

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

We support the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s (NAACP) Power To The People Project to advance state solar policies and community solar projects in cities and rural areas.

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth

We support Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) for its efforts to help advance the next just and sustainable economy in eastern Kentucky, address racial and economic inequality, and support policies that advance a just transition for workers and communities.