Sunset Park Solar
To support Uprose for Sunset Park Solar (SPS), a community-owned 685-kW rooftop solar array to be located on top of the Brooklyn Army Terminal. SPS will provide renewable energy and on-bill savings to 150-200 households and small businesses.
1863 Venture Fund I
To provide NCF an equity investment to 1863 Venture Fund I to provide flexible, culturally competent, non-extractive capital to New Majority entrepreneurs. Specifically, 1863 Venture Fund I investments focus on funding black and women entrepreneurs.
Southern Bancorp Capital Partners
The purpose of the Loan is to sustainably provide responsible, responsive and innovative financial products and financially-related development services all in furtherance of the Foundation’s and Borrower’s exempt purposes, as described in Sections 501(c).
Confluence Philanthropy
To support the launch of Foundation Transparency Compact (FTC), a formal working group that will foster transparency, accountability, and learning among foundation impact investors, and demonstrate principles of transparency to the philanthropic field.
Bend The Arc – A Jewish Partnership For Justice
Renewed support to Bend the Arc (BTA), a core power-building grantee in Jewish social justice that works to build a just and equitable U.S. free from white supremacy, where Black liberation is realized, and all people are thriving.
Adasina Social Capital
Support to Full Spectrum Labs (FSL) and The Adasina Program (Adasina) a fiscally sponsored project of Movement Strategy Center. Funding is recommended to support the development of new forms of financial and operational infrastructure and networks.
Gulf South for a Green New Deal
To support the Gulf South for Green New Deal (GS4GND) Community Controlled Fund, a regional formation of organizations working to advance climate, racial, and economic justice in five states across the Gulf South.
South Carolina Community Loan Fund
The purpose of the Loan is to sustainably provide responsible, responsive and innovative financial products and financially-related development services all in furtherance of the Foundation’s and Borrower’s exempt purposes, as described in Sections 501(c)s.
Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation
We support the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation (CHPP), which builds wealth and preserves land assets among historically under-resourced landowners in South Carolina.
The Center for Cultural Innovation
We support AmbitioUS, a time-limited (7-10 years) pooled fund of the Center for Cultural Innovation (CCI). Launched in January 2019, the fund supports the development of alternative economic systems that beget cultural sovereignty for QTBIPOC communities.
Jews United for Justice Inc.
We the Collaborative for Jewish Organizing (CJO), housed at Jews United for Justice, to strengthen local Jewish organizing for racial and economic justice campaigns in multi-racial coalition to build larger collaborative structures.
We support T’ruah, which focuses specifically on mobilizing, organizing, and training Jewish Clergy (Rabbis and Cantors) who advocate for justice.
The Solutions Project
We support the Solutions Project for its work to invest in frontline women and leaders of color, amplify their stories, and scale energy solutions that advance a just transition.