Living Cities

We support Activest, a project of Living Cities, for its work to leverage the municipal bond market pushing cities to remove regressive and racially unjust fiscal and social policies, such as excessive fines and forfeitures, and replace them with more equitable and just ones.

Jobs With Justice Education Fund

We support the Justice Educational Fund (JWJEF) to continue efforts to win local and national campaigns that prioritize the needs of workers and expand the idea of worker organizing and collective bargaining as a fundamental component of a just economy, functioning democracy, and pathway to addressing inequality.

Borealis Philanthropy – Black Led Movement Fund

We support support the Black Led Movement Fund (BLMF), a collaborative donor project of Borealis Philanthropy, that strengthens the capacity of the Movement for Black Lives ecosystem in order to better shape policy agendas for Black communities, create viable alternatives to institutions that have been harmful to Black people, and build local Black community power, …

Green Latinos

We support Green Latinos to educate, mobilize, and train Latino leaders to advance equitable policy-making, actions, and solutions that address historic barriers communities experience in their efforts to advance environmental policies.

Emerald Cities Collaborative

We support Emerald Cities Collaborative’s (ECC) work to increase the number of clean energy projects delivering environmental, economic, and equity benefits to underserved communities, bringing to life “just transition” models.

Open Markets Institute

We support the Open Markets Institute (OMI) for its work to expose and address monopoly power and its negative impacts on our economy and democracy.

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

We support the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility’s (ICCR) work to activate faith-based, values-driven investors to hold corporations accountable for the social and environmental impacts of their operations.

Highlander Research and Education Center

We support the Highlander Research and Education Center’s grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the South and to further develop the faith, culture, and spirit aspects of their trainings.

Asian American Writers’ Workshop

We support the Asian American Writers’ Workshop for creating, developing, and disseminating creative writing by Asian Americans and providing a literary arts space at the intersection of migration, race, and social justice.

Restaurant Opportunities Centers

We support Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC) for its efforts to hold the restaurant industry accountable through organizing workers and restaurant owners to advocate for better wages, protections, and ultimately change the culture of an industry steeped in racial and gender inequality.

New York Renews

We support New York Renews Coalition for its work to advance equity rooted climate and energy policy with strong employment provisions, drive investment in frontline communities in New York, and hold policymakers and stakeholders accountable for meaningful and robust community engagement as New York State (NYS) begins to implement its transition to a net-zero carbon …

Firelight Media

Support to Firelight Media to support BIPOC filmmakers to make documentary media that educates, raises cultural consciousness, and reveals visions of a just future, while interrupting and interrogating harmful narratives that uphold white supremacy.

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth

We support Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) for its efforts to help advance the next just and sustainable economy in eastern Kentucky, address racial and economic inequality, and support policies that advance a just transition for workers and communities.

Institute for Local Self-Reliance

We support the Institute for Local Self-Reliance’s (ILSR) Community-Scaled Economy Initiative, which highlights the problems caused by concentrated corporate power and provides policy solutions to further a more equitable and locally-rooted economy.