
Renewed support to Mijente Support Committee, an organizing hub for Latinx and Chicanx people who seek racial, economic, gender, and climate justice.

Majority Action

We support Majority Action for its work to leverage the power of investors to hold asset managers, corporations and their directors responsible for their approach to the climate crisis.

Jewish Social Justice Roundtable

We support the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable (JSJR), a network of 64 Jewish social justice organizations, to continue their field-building work via racial equity trainings, a CEO-trip to Israel/Palestine, and an all Roundtable network gathering post-election in 2020.

Equality Labs

We support to Equality Labs (EL), a fiscally sponsored project of Fractured Atlas that uses community research, political base-building, culture-shifting art, and digital security capacity building to end the oppression of caste apartheid and Islamophobia.

Common Future

Renewed support to Common Future (formally BALLE) for its work to eliminate wealth inequality.

Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund

We support the Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund for its work to advance equitable climate and clean energy policies that protect public health and expand pathways to high quality, new energy economy jobs for communities of color, indigenous communities, and those most impacted by climate change.

Center for Political Accountability

We support the Center for Political Accountability for its work to push public companies to enhance oversight and disclosure of their political spending.

Center for Economic Democracy

We support the Center for Economic Democracy (CED) for its work to build wealth and local governance infrastructure in historically marginalized communities in Boston.

Building Equity and Alignment for Impact

We support the Building Equity & Alignment for Impact Initiative for its work to build capacity and drive resources to grassroots, frontline environmental and climate justice organizations and to create deeper alignment and collaboration between grassroots groups, national green organizations, and philanthropy.

Advancement Project

We support the Advancement Project’s Free and Safe Campaign that is working to disrupt the systematic criminalization of black and brown people in the school to prison pipeline and within the larger community context, that results in disproportionate high rates of incarceration for low-income black, indigenous, and Latinx people.

People’s Action Institute

We support to People’s Action Institute for its work to address the climate crisis from an equity perspective and elevate community-driven solutions to accelerate the creation of a just, sustainable economy.

Center for Media Justice

We support the Center for Media Justice to work towards a future where everyone has reliable, secure access to basic communications, media, and technology platforms and where we are all connected, represented, and free.

Southerners on New Ground

Renewed support to Southerners on New Ground (SONG) for their continued efforts to end money bail and pre-trail detention disrupting mass incarceration of Southerners who are not wealthy and who live in communities over policed by law enforcement.

Roosevelt Institute

We support Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute’s project, Advancing a Comprehensive Corporate Power Agenda, which will ensure that curbing corporate power is a central component of policy agendas and stakeholder efforts to advance progress on key issues like climate change.