The Black Futures Lab

We support the Black Futures Lab, a fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Progressive Association, to build Black political power through educating motivating and activating Black voters and training Black communities on how to design, implement, and win policy that improves the lives of Black communities across the U.S.

World Resources Institute

We support the World Resources Institute (WRI) for its Climate Caucus, which leverages corporations to push trade associations to be less obstructive on climate policy.

New York Community Trust

We support The Mosaic Network and Fund in The New York Community Trust, a collaborative fund to support a sustainable arts ecosystem rooted in racial equity by amplifying the voices of NYC-based arts groups that are led by, created for, and serve African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA) people.

Jews of Color Initiative

We support Jews of Color Field Building Initiative’s grantmaking via a funding collaborative of Jewish communal funders to strategically address and advance the field of organizations, initiatives, and leadership development programs supporting Jews of Color in the United States.

Center for Economic Democracy

We support the Center for Economic Democracy (CED) for its work to build wealth and local governance infrastructure in historically marginalized communities in Boston.

Clean Energy Group

We support the Clean Energy Group for its work to accelerate adoption of solar and storage projects in affordable housing and critical community facilities in low and moderate income (LMI) communities; and to help community-based and environmental justice organizations build the technical capacity to develop renewable energy solutions.

Center for Media Justice

We support the Center for Media Justice to work towards a future where everyone has reliable, secure access to basic communications, media, and technology platforms and where we are all connected, represented, and free.

Firelight Media

Support to Firelight Media to support BIPOC filmmakers to make documentary media that educates, raises cultural consciousness, and reveals visions of a just future, while interrupting and interrogating harmful narratives that uphold white supremacy.

Amanda D. King

Amanda is the founder and co-director of Shooting Without Bullets (SWOB), a Cleveland-based creative agency and production company by and for Black and Brown youth and justice-minded artists. SWOB uses cultural production to amplify bold messages of justice and equity. As a nonprofit creative and social enterprise, SWOB creates artwork, campaigns and products while engaging …

Peta Lindsay

Peta is the founder of the Ida B. Wells Education Project. The Ida B. Wells Education Project is a Black-led, multicultural collective of classroom educators working to create relevant, dynamic, and intersectional tools to empower students and educators in fighting racism and other forms of oppression in our schools, communities and nationwide.

Mutale Nkonde

Mutale is the founding CEO of AI For the People (AFP) a nonprofit communications agency. AFP utilizes entertainment education to reduce racial bias in the design, deployment, and governance of advanced technological systems. AI for the People has two pillars of work: 1) ‘Race, Technology, and the Black Body’ focuses on the civil rights implications …

Christine Enid Nieves Rodríguez

Christine is piloting and implementing a cutting-edge leadership curriculum that trains Puerto Rican youth in a framework called “Climate Courage.” Climate Courage encompasses the cognitive, emotional, collective, and spiritual skills necessary to release ground-breaking solutions and meet insurmountable obstacles with tools that ensure humanity, justice, and compassion are present in moments of great peril and …

Ismail Samad

Ismail Samad is launching Loiter! in East Cleveland, Ohio. Loiter! is a social enterprise community wealth hub that changes the narrative about East Cleveland and delivers spatial, racial and economic justice to East Cleveland residents. Follow @loitereastcleveland for more information.

Ewune Ewane

Ewune Ewane will use the Fellowship to grow and scale Minds Over Melanin, an online community mental health platform. Ewune formulated the community as a space to transform psychology to provide effective, culturally competent care to restore justice within Black, Indigenous, and communities of color medically traumatized and marginalized by systemic racism and cultural bias in psychological diagnosis, treatment, and education.

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