Saqib Bhatti

Project Description This project seeks to radically transform our municipal finance system by organizing the communities most impacted by public budget crises around provocative campaigns to renegotiate bad Wall Street deals. The project will engage unions and community organizations around the country to develop and implement strategic corporate social responsibility campaigns to stop banks from …

Margot Brandenburg

Project Description The focus of this project is to support the development of enterprise models in service of social and environmental change. It will specifically work with the staff of the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) to develop a business plan and prototype for, as well as with the Community Foundation of New Jersey …

Andrew Slack

Project Description Andrew Slack is an experienced performer and social organizer who started the Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) as a first step toward harnessing the energy of a popular story toward activism and civic engagement. Ready to take his unique model of fan activism to the next level, Imagine Better goes far beyond the Harry …