Net Neutrality Activists Take Civil Rights Fight to Doorsteps of Telecom Giants

In the lead-up to the FCC’s pivotal net neutrality vote on Thursday, civil rights and media justice organizations across the United States are taking theirdemands for an open internet to the store-fronts of the telecommunications giants that continue to aggressively fight the protections. Read More (Via Common Dreams)

NCF Oral History: Contributing to the Better Good of the Country

James K. Cummings, Trustee + Ruth Cummings, Trustee

FCC: This Is How We Will Ensure Net Neutrality

After more than a decade of debate and a record-setting proceeding that attracted nearly 4 million public comments, the time to settle the Net Neutrality question has arrived. This week, I will circulate to the members of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed new rules to preserve the internet as an open platform for innovation …

Shareholders Press Verizon Board on Net Neutrality

Investors in Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ), including the Nathan Cummings Foundation, are once again pressing the company’s board of directors to report on the business risks arising from the company’s opposition to open Internet and network neutrality principles. Read more

NCF Oral History: Feeling The Energy Of The Community

James K. Cummings, Trustee + M. Annette Ensley, Former Director of Administration & Human Resources

An Invisible Workforce: Home Care Workers Are Highly Valued but Overworked and Underpaid

Latin Post recently spoke to Ai-jen Poo, the director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance and lead organizer and founder of Domestic Workers United, an organization of Caribbean, Latina and African nannies, housekeepers and elderly caregivers in New York. And Ai-jen Poo is also the recipient of a 2014 MacArthur “Genius” Award and organizer of …

Shareholders Are Not Happy With Oracle’s New Co-CEO Pay

“Five bigwig institutional shareholders want to force Oracle to make radical changes to the way it pays it top three executives: executive chairman and CTO Larry Ellison and co-CEOs Safra Catz and Mark Hurd. They are concerned that Oracle’s board of directors isn’t independent enough from management and ‘insufficient board accountability and poorly designed compensation …

Oracle Ties Pay to Performance After Investor Lobbying

The Nathan Cummings Foundation’s shareholder activity at Oracle Corp. has made the news after Oracle’s decision to tie executive pay packages to the company’s performance. Also mentioned in the news article is an NCF led shareholder resolution seeking independent board appointments at the comany’s annual meetings. Read More

The Worst Paying Fastest-growing Job in America

At the signing ceremony, Brown said that the legislation—expected to bring paid sick leave to most of the 6.5 million Californians currently without it—“helps people—whether it’s a person working at a car wash or McDonald’s or 7-Eleven.” Well there’s one group of people it doesn’t help: home health care workers… Read More

Why Jews Should Care About What Happened in Ferguson

Stosh Cotler, the CEO of NCF Grantee Bend the Arc, has written a powerful commentary in the Washington Post about why the Jewish community should care about what’s happening in Ferguson, especially as we head into the month of the Jewish high holidays. Read the Article Here

Barry C. Lynn on Monopolies and Inequality

Back in June, Barry C. Lynn, senior fellow at Nathan Cummings Foundation grantee the New America Foundation, was able to sit down with Thomas Frank from for a facinating discussion on today’s monoplies and how they impact the discussion on inequality. Read the Article Here

Grant Makers Are Ignoring One of Their Most Powerful Tools

Over the past year, shareholder activists racked up a list of accomplishments that would be the envy of many foundations. They secured agreements from some of the world’s largest companies to set targets for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.

IBT runs NCF piece on problematic structure at 21st Century Fox

Dear Rupert Murdoch: Please Eliminate Your Company’s Dual-Class Share Structure October 18, 2013 In this piece from the International Business Times, NCF makes the case that long-term shareholder value is still at risk at Rupert Murdoch’s companies due to fundamental corporate governance problems.  Read the article here.

Institutional investors call for slew of changes at 21st Century Fox

Pensions & Investments, reported on the Nathan Cummings Foundation’s work to improve shareholder rights at 21st Century Fox, whose shareholder meeting was this week: Read article.