Family Ties: Multi-generational Family Foundation Board Engagement.

The Nathan Cummings Foundation is honored to participate in a new report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy. The report was commissioned by the Surdna Foundation as part of their Centennial celebration and spotlights good governance practices among family foundations. The report features interviews with CEOs and family board chairs at seven large, multigenerational family …

Nathan Cummings Foundation Names Artealia Gilliard as its First Director of Communications

    Nathan Cummings Foundation Names Artealia Gilliard as its First Director of Communications  Today, the Nathan Cummings Foundation announced that Artealia Gilliard will join the Foundation as its first Director of Communications. In this role, Gilliard will be a key member of the leadership team supporting the Foundation and the work of NCF grantees …

Trump Era Prompts Jewish Donors to Step Up Giving to Liberal Causes

This article highlights Jewish philanthropic leaders around the United States who, in light of our current cultural and political climate, are evaluating how they can more effectively make an impact on the most critical issues of our time. Some donors are looking to fund rapid response efforts to defend the frontline communities being impacted by …

NCF Fellow Bridgit Antoinette Evans to Lead Pop Culture Collaborative

NCF Fellow Bridgit Antoinette Evans to Lead Pop Culture Collaborative Groundbreaking Funder Group will Leverage Entertainment for Social Justice The Pop Culture Collaborative leverages the power of entertainment, advertising and media to shift how people understand the past, make sense of the present and imagine the future of American society. A first-of-its-kind philanthropic resource, the …

The Future of Progressive Philanthropy Under Trump

For those vehemently opposed to a Trump presidency, election night was a punch to the gut. Then followed the waves of anxiety and anger over a looming hard-right shift, the president-elect’s disturbing racist and sexist rhetoric, not to mention his unstable behavior.  But now we’ve emerged from those first dark days (right?). And even as …

Press Release: 2017 Fellowship Launch

The Foundation is Seeking Applications from Innovative Problem-Solvers to Tackle Big Challenges Related to Climate Change and Inequality New York, November 3, 2016 – The Nathan Cummings Foundation is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for the fourth cycle of the Nathan Cummings Foundation Fellowship, which provides three individuals with up to $150,000 …

Purse-String Powerhouses: Meet 10 NYC Do-Gooders Who Dole Out Billions for Charity

Foundations based in New York City dispensed nearly $10.7 billion in grants in 2014 (the latest year for which statistics are available), according to the Foundation Center. But who cuts the checks and how do they make their decisions? The 10 leaders of charitable organizations featured here come from wealth, poverty and the middle class. Some …

Visioning Justice and the American Jewish Community Report

In 2006, The Nathan Cummings Foundation Jewish Life and Values Program commissioned Visioning Justice and the American Jewish Community — an inquiry into the strategies that would engage Jews, Jewish communities, and Jewish institutions more widely, deeply, and effectively in Jewish social justice. Through Visioning Justice, we sought to identify trends within the Jewish social …

Foundations Can Use Their Shareholder Muscle to Fight Climate Change

For more than 20 years, ExxonMobil and other large oil companies have defeated shareholder proposals focusing on climate change. This spring, the trend continued. Not a single climate-focused proposal passed at a major American oil company. So why…

Our Evolving Focus

Dear Colleagues, We are thrilled to share with you the evolution of the Foundation’s focus, the result of a period of reflection and learning and, significantly, a reconnecting with the work of the last 25 years and what the world calls us to do now. We are enormously grateful to the many people who shared their …

NCF Comment Letter on the SEC’s Reg S-K

The Nathan Cummings Foundation recently joined other foundations and institutional investors to call on the SEC to update Regulation S-K to improve reporting of material environmental and social risks in issuers’ filings. In addition to sending its own comment letter, the Foundation joined investors with more than a trillion dollars in assets under management in …

Loren Harris Joins The Nathan Cummings Foundation

Loren Harris, a Philanthropic Leader Devoted to Challenging Racial, Gender and Economic Inequality, Joins Nathan Cummings Foundation The Nathan Cummings Foundation today announced that Loren S. Harris, a philanthropic leader with more than 20 years experience challenging structural barriers to equality and creating economic opportunity and social inclusion, will join the Foundation as Vice President …

Active Ownership vs. Divestment: When Is It Either-Or? Can My Foundation Do Both Well?

On Thursday, April 14th, Philanthropy New York will host a panel discussion exploring active ownership and divestment. The Nathan Cummings Foundation’s experience with active ownership strategies will feature in the panel discussion. The program will be live-streamed. More details can be found here.

Key Formula for Oil Executives’ Pay: Drill Baby Drill

Bonuses at many energy companies based on higher oil production, reserves; shareholders seek change “The Nathan Cummings Foundation…has asked Chesapeake to eliminate reserve growth from its pay calculations.” Read More (Via the Wall Street Journal)