We Came to Learn: A Call to Action for Police-Free Schools – Advancement Project Report

“Safety does not exist when Black and Brown young people are forced to interact with a system of policing that views them as a threat and not as students. For many Black and Brown youth, the presence of police in their schools disrupts their learning environments. There is a culture clash that exists between law enforcement …

A more inclusive Global Climate Action Summit can stop us from ‘losing Earth’

Nathaniel Rich has driven much of the summer’s national conversation on climate change with his blockbuster New York Times Magazine piece, “Losing Earth.” Sprawling over more than 66 pages and drawing on more than 18 months of research, Rich tackles the failure of efforts 30 years ago to tackle global warming. It’s masterful as a …

Reform/Transform: A Policing Policy Toolkit

For too long, communities across the country have lived with the reality of harmful policing practices and a punitive legal system that relies heavily on criminalization, rather than on crime prevention, restorative practices, and investment. The criminalization of marginalized communities is a cornerstone of our nation’s justice system—from the systemic divestment of social services from …

Living in the Shadows: Latina Domestic Workers in the Texas-Mexico Border Region

“In 2016, three community-based organizations that operate in the Texas–Mexico border region collaborated on a participatory research project. A.Y.U.D.A. Inc., Fuerza del Valle Workers’ Center and Comité de Justicia Laboral/Labor Justice Committee trained 36 women from the local communities as surveyors. The surveyors, most of them domestic workers themselves, interviewed 516 housecleaners, nannies and care …

Action Center on Race & The Economy’s Police Brutality Bonds: How Wall Street Profits from Police Violence Report

Read the Action Center on Race and the Economy report on their groundbreaking research of the link between finance and police violence. Visit https://www.acrecampaigns.org/pbb for more information.

William Barber Takes on Poverty and Race in the Age of Trump

After the success of the Moral Monday protests, the pastor is attempting to revive Martin Luther King, Jr.,’s final—and most radical—campaign.

Why Cultural Critics of Color Matter

The Black Panther dialectic, the MTV News experiment, Vibe, and The Source in their prime: these conversations and platforms show what’s possible when critics of color define the terms of the debate.

The Nathan Cummings Foundation’s Role as Shareholder Activist

After 15 years of working on shareholder engagement efforts at the Nathan Cummings Foundation, Laura Campos is surprised that more foundations haven’t begun initiatives of their own.

Souls of Poor Folk Report

“The Souls of Poor Folk  is an assessment of the conditions and trends of poverty today and of the past fifty years in the United States. In 1967, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., alongside a multiracial coalition of grassroots leaders, religious leaders, and other public figures, began organizing with poor and marginalized communities across racial …

What We Get Wrong About Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

The racial wealth gap is large and shows no signs of closing. Recent data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation shows that black households hold less than seven cents on the dollar compared to white households.

Nathan Cummings Foundation’s Going ‘All In’ Was A Long Time In The Making