The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) provides a secretariat for the world’s largest institutional investor collaboration on the business implications of climate change. The most recent CDP information request was sent on behalf of 475 institutional investors with assets of more than $55 trillion.
To find out more about the Carbon Disclosure Project, click on the link below.
Center for Political Accountability
The Center for Political Accountability works to bring transparency and accountability to corporate political spending. The Center conducts company-specific research and analysis on corporate political disclosure and works with institutional investors to submit shareholder proposals, focus public attention on the use of shareholder money for political purposes and bring transparency and accountability to the political contribution policies and practices of public companies.
To learn more about the Center for Political Accountability, click on the link below.
Ceres is a national network of investment funds, environmental organizations and other public interest groups working to advance environmental stewardship on the part of businesses. Ceres works with investors around the world to improve corporate and public policies on climate change and other environmental, social, and corporate governance issues. As part of its work with investors, Ceres has published a guide for Foundations wishing to learn more about proxy voting. To read Questions & Answers for Foundations on Proxy Voting,click here
To find out more about Ceres, click on the link below.
Charity SRI
Charity SRI provides information and resources on Responsible investment – what it is, reasons for doing it and how to go about it. Responsible investment is about aligning investments with mission and incorporating social, environmental and ethical issues into investments. It is also known as ethical or socially responsible investment (SRI). was developed by the EIRIS/UKSIF Charity Project, a joint initiative between the EIRIS Foundation and UKSIF. is for:
Charities – Staff and trustees can find out why Responsible Investment is relevant for your charity and how to implement it.
Service Providers – Fund managers and advisers can find out more about Responsible Investment and how to meet the needs of charities.
Supporters – Charity supporters can find out why Responsible Investment is important for charities, how to discover if a charity is doing it and how to encourage more charities to invest responsibly.
To find our more about Charity SRI, clink on the link below.
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR)
ICCR is a leader in the corporate social responsibility movement. ICCR’s membership is an association of 275 faith-based institutional investors, including national denominations, religious communities, pension funds, endowments, hospital corporations, economic development funds and publishing companies. ICCR and its members press companies to be socially and environmentally responsible. Each year ICCR members sponsor over 200 shareholder resolutions on social and environmental issues.
To find out more about ICCR, click on the link below.
The Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR)
Launched by investors on November 21, 2003 at the Institutional Investor Summit on Climate Risk, the INCR works to promote a better understanding of the risks of climate change among institutional investors. The Nathan Cummings Foundation served as a convener of the 2005 Institutional Investor Summit on Climate Risk and is a signatory of the INCR’s latest “Call for Action”.
To find out more about the INCR, click on the link below
Principles for Responsible Investment
The Principles for Responsible Investment provide a framework for investors to give appropriate consideration to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues that can affect the performance of their investment portfolios. The Principles are voluntary, providing investors with a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into mainstream investment decision-making and ownership practices. The Principles are an initiative of the UN Secretary-General and were formally launched at the New York Stock Exchange on April 27, 2006. Since the launch, asset owner and investment manager signatories representing approximately $18 trillion of assets have signed onto the Principles.
To find out more about the Principles for Responsible Investment, click on the link below. is a data clearinghouse designed to help investors — from individuals to large institutions — hold corporations accountable through proxy voting. The website provides free access to a large database of mutual fund votes, allowing users to find out how leading mutual funds voted at shareholder meetings and to compare the voting profiles of different funds. The site also collects and publishes the intended votes of respected institutional investors in advance of shareholder meetings, making widely available a powerful new source of information.
To find out more about, click on the link below.
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors & The As You Sow Foundation
Unlocking the Power of the Proxy
This document is designed to help the Boards and staffs of private foundations create a process to link programmatic mission with investment strategy. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors collaborated with The As You Sow Foundation to develop and produce the booklet.
To view Unlocking the Power of the Proxy and related updates, click on ether of the links below.